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Core Drilling Services

There are many reasons why renovation and construction professionals may have a need to create holes in concrete, brick, block or other strong materials they’re working with during the course of a project. The tool of choice for this kind of task is a tool called the core drill. Core drilling is a highly skilled process that should be done by a skilled and trained professional who has experience. Trying to use a core drill as an amateur can produce results that don’t meet your project specifications or government mandated building requirements and safety guidelines. At Demolition Specialists Inc., we have years of experience and top notch training in core drilling to make sure that your project gets done correctly and efficiently the first time.

A core drill is a tool that is designed to create cylindrical holes in hard construction materials like concrete, reinforced concrete, block, brick, and stone. It does so by utilizing a cylindrical drill bit that has diamond segments to drill hole with no hammering and allowing a smooth finish. The drill is powered by a electric or hydraulic system and the bit bores into the material to target depth. When the drill operator turn the drill off, the center of the bit typically pulls the core out along with it. This leaves a cylinder shaped opening so that your project can move forward and be completed. Core drills can also be used for stitch drilling. Stitch drilling is a demolition process that is accomplished by creating a series of overlapping holes. The materials that make up the teeth of the drill bit can vary depending on what kind of material needs to be cut. If the project consists of cutting through concrete, block or brick the diamond segmented bit will the bit of choice. If it’s a project working with steel plate, the core bit will be made of carbide. Core drilling typically uses water to cool the diamond core bit so the diamonds in the core bit don’t over heat and slow down the drilling process however in the circumstance that the drilling needs to be done dry DSI can have special bits made up in this event. Core drills sit on a stabilizing post that is mounted to the surface of the material that is being cut in order to achieve maximum accuracy and precision. Once the correct drill bit size is selected, the drill operator choose the proper angle needed for the hole and then turns on the unit. DSI can drill holes at a wide variety of sizes, depths and angles.

Core drills can be used in a variety of situations including:

  • creating openings for the installation of utilities (electrical lines, plumbing lines, HVAC ductwork)
  • creating openings for sewers and drains
  • creating openings for communication lines (internet lines, fiber optic lines)
  • creating openings for recessed lighting systems
  • creating openings for dryer vents
  • creating openings for fire sprinkler systems
  • creating holes for demolition purposes
  • creating openings for flues
  • creating openings for drainage holes on bridges

Although it may be tempting to rent or purchase a core drill and have an unskilled worker perform the necessary work in order to save money on your project, this can be a costly mistake. Core drilling requires years of experience and training in order to ensure proper drilling that won’t harm the integrity of your existing structure. Skilled core drill operators are trained to prevent and address any problems that may occur during the completion of your core drilling needs. Some problems that may occur if you don’t use a highly skilled professional can include:

  • holes cut at improper angles
  • holes that are too wide or narrow
  • damage to the core drill itself
  • failure to adhere to building permits or safety requirements
  • workplace injury

At Demolition Specialist, Inc., we have years of specializing in core drilling and place the utmost importance on customer service, project accuracy, efficiency, and safety. All of our employees are highly skilled and trained in core drilling and know how to complete your job within your budget, within your time frame, and without compromising any safety standards. We also keep all of our equipment in top notch shape to prevent any unnecessary mistakes from occurring. For all of your core drilling needs, whether residential, commercial, or industrial, call us today.